Friday 31 December 2010

Clear the Clutters

Saw this news on 30-12-10. "Petaling Jaya. Workers & customers of a goldsmith's shop had a harrowing experience when a car crashed through the shop's front door. The vehicle only came to a halt after hitting a jewelry display cabinet in the shop. The accident occurred at 10.35am when the driver of the Proton Iswara, a woman in her 60s, was trying to park the vehicle in front of the shop in Sungai Way. Apparently, she could not apply the brake as a mineral water bottle was stuck under it...." Different clutters, same consequences. Drivers, the only thing that should hang around the driver seat area is yourself... 

Thursday 30 September 2010

It's Nothing but A Hole

I have been told again and again that doughnut is junk food...why are people still queueing up to buy?

Ask (the late) Jack LaLanne, the godfather of fitness (1914-2011): what is the best part of a doughnut? He'd said, “The hole.”

Jack had lived up to a ripe old age of 96, he often joked, "I can't die, it would ruin my image." He died of respiratory failure due to pneumonia. RIP.